Pictures from the AU / Starfucker / Girl Talk concert Saturday night. My feet still hurt even though I was wearing my orthopedics. We arrived early to be near the front, but the rowdy young crowd went a few steps too far with me (one boy actively shoved me), at which point we declared ourselves to old to be close then retreated to the back.
Amanda and I are about to start our second-annual "Needful Things" project. I've been thinking back to a year ago when we first started the text-picture conversation, when we were still fresh off the boat from Orcas Island:
My friend Claudia has a neat, interactive show up at the U of O's Whitebox gallery this month. Half of the installation is this room filled with old cassette tape players. The viewer can stop and play and rewind the tapes, each of which is either a recording of water or a sound Claudia composed to evoke water. Here are some scenes from the show.
Thursday night, as I shot this video in the last big light of the day, I kept thinking to myself, "If there is a better job in this world, I don't know of it."