Sunday, September 25, 2011

Needful things

For the past two weeks, Amanda and I have been sending each other photos from our phones throughout the day. Technically, we weren't supposed to talk during these two weeks, but we did cheat a few times. Only a few. Kind of. We've got about 160 photos and are planning to make little books for/with each other of the larger project, but here are some excerpts.


L: Amanda; R: Casey

coffee full and empty

L: Casey; R: Amanda


L: Casey; R: Amanda


L: Amanda; R: Casey

Have a good day

L: Amanda; R: Casey


L: Casey; R: Amanda

We are in such different places

L: Amanda; R: Casey


L: Amanda; R: Casey

Hello there

L: Casey; R: Amanda

To and fro

L: Casey; R: Amanda

Riding and drinking

L: Casey; R: Amanda

Young girls they do get weary

L: Casey; R: Amanda

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